It happened again.
As some probably know, me and Betty have been part of Francis Dunnery’s bands for every CKDCF October event since 2014, but it was not planned for us to join him on stage this year. Frank decided to play the first It Bites’ album, The Big Lad in The Windmill, the (fabulous) band was already set up, and we know we had no time or chance to show up early for rehearsals. He asked us to perform as Materya a few songs before the show, which we happily did, and that was the plan. But you never know, when the Big Lad is involved: a couple of days before the event he asked us to help him with the backing vocals for the whole main gig, so we joined all the other guys at the very last minute and we had the time of our lives!
Thank you Pete, Paul, Remco, Luke, Quint, Kay and Gav! And thank you, Frank. We think this was one of the best concerts ever: for the music, the energy, the talent and the friendship! This will stay with us for long, long time…